Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I hope for myself this year to find more kindred conversation, more stimulation of thoughts and ideas, I have been asleep for a while, sometimes to numb to care, I guess that is a defence mechanism to the harsh realities of life but I have opened up that cocoon and am looking at this new year with hope for more. More love, More Kindness, More friendship, and LESS of all that doormat existence, the Pleaser attitude, the Yes when I want to say No. I believe that helping out others is necessary to feed our souls but I need to remember that i also have to help myself, that It's okay to just do what ever I want to. F.... Its amazing to me that I have got this far in my life and can be made to feel guilty if I want to go to the movies alone. What happened to me. I feel like the jobs and responsibilities have chipped away for so long that now here I am an emotional husk hollowed out by demands of lunatics. But... I remember who I was and where I started out, I feel that girl in me, and she is going to shine again.

1 comment:

The pale observer said...

Welcome back!!! I've been feeling bad for not blogging a whole week!


Holli in Ghana