Saturday, December 09, 2006

The last week I spent in Lansing for school (It was Hard.. I feel dumb) and met some very funny and nice people there. shout out to Kathrine, Tracy, Paula and Amy, I know you passed. Hope that your life and shopping is getting back on track. I have to go to a tea party today. My family is funny. Love to all...


Anonymous said...

Hey, you didn't have to delete your tribute, that really rocked! Loved the angel picture! It's ok for your blog to be bittersweet, although mine seems to be merely bitter. Maybe we can get together sometime in the New Year, love to catch up with you!! I'm spending New Year's eve at my spirituality center. At midnight everyone goes outside and revels in the presence of a trillion owls that come on that night. Hope there's somebody to kiss at midnight besides a frickin owl. Miss you girl!!!

xxoo your Goddess friend :)

ChrisRocks said...

Thanks H, I think your right, I was worried that no one was commenting because it was sad but that is life too. thanks for the giving me the strength to repost. I miss you and love you, hows the pack? I am spending New years at the Govener's New Year's Party, It was actually fun last time and I am excited to go again. Yours sounds fun too, full of bird poop and wisdom, I would expect no less from you.
I'll see you soon

Anonymous said...

Guess what? My ex-sisinlaw had seizures on Friday night, got diagnosed with a brain tumor on Saturday, had brain surgery on Monday, and is home on Friday. Isn't that the most bizarre thing you've ever heard??? You're just living your life... la la la la.... BAM! Brain cancer!!! Life is so odd. She has to do the chemo thing. My littlest was excited that her aunt might have a mullet but it didn't work out that way. Bummer.

New Year's at the gov's mansion and you didn't invite me... the nerve! But, ah.. it sounds way fun! If you get a chance ask her if she heard about Michigan's unemployment rate, that's a good conversation starter. I know you won't be worried about conversation, your speech will be too slurred. Have a blast!!!

Love, H

Anonymous said...

Post something else. I command you.